CISPG has 3 Strategic Anchors that guide our Diocese. The first, and the reason we exist, is Bold, Intentional Faith Formation. A special and BOLD initiative this year for faith formation involved holding NET (National Evangelization Team) Retreats for each of our schools in January 2020. We are extremely blessed that these young adult missionaries have said yes to their missionary vocation this year and will be sharing with our students – they are wonderful witnesses for our youth and their work and presence was a blessing for students, staff, and our community.
Net (National Evangelization Team) Canada is a Catholic organization dedicated to challenging young Catholics to love Christ and Embrace the Life of the Church by:
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ through a personal witness of faith;
- Inviting young people to live for Christ;
- Forming young people in Christian character through the study and practice of our faith, and;
- Equipping youth workers and young adults with the ministry skills needed for evangelization.
Net provides the opportunity for students across Canada to participate in retreats created around current themes that, though varied, all have at the heart the message of God’s unending love, and how He has come to fulfill their needs through the Church.
Here is a journal excerpt from one of our Grade 7 students, who was writing on the topic of “Five Jobs I Would Consider Doing, Five Jobs I Would Not Like To Do” after attending her NET Retreat.
“Now for why I would want to be a NET!! So today when they came to the school I wasn’t very excited well I was but not overly excited, but at the end seeing how much they helped me feel closer to God and brought out the best in me. Gave me a time to really think who I am and who I wanna be and I want to be able to do that for other people.”
For more information about NET and the Retreats held throughout our Diocese, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.